
CIU faculty bring to the classroom deep experience that might include working among Muslims in France and North Africa, teaching leadership skills to FBI Academy instructors, or serving as teachers and administrators in both public and Christian schools.

加上前军队牧师, experienced practicing family counselors and experts in ancient languages (to name a few) and you get just the right mix of experience and devotion to God that makes CIU a leader among the nation’s Christian universities and seminaries.

Our student/faculty ratio for undergraduates is 17 to 1. At the graduate and seminary level, it’s 12 to 1. Our educators are here because of their passion for their students and community. Interacting with them inside and outside the classroom is how our Bible-based college and seminary transforms students’ lives through developing their academics, sparking their spiritual growth and honing their ministry skills.

Bible and Christian Ministries Division Chair, Middle Eastern Studies Program Director

Dr. 约翰科兰驰菲尔德 was raised in the Cleveland, Ohio, area. After attending public (government) schools, he spent a year studying at the Torchbearer Schools in Europe (England and Austria), 然后

Professor of Intercultural Studies, Elmer V. 汤普森教会植堂主席

维克多H. Cuartas joined the CIU faculty in 2016 and is the Elmer V. 汤普森教会植堂主席 at CIU. Previously, he taught global missions and church ministry at Regent University (2006-2016


Dan's passion for "Communicating Christ Creatively" is seen in his life, ministry and family. During his time as the chairman of the communication program, his desire was to incorporate technology


Dr. 大卫德威特 is a biomedical scientist with over 25 years of higher education experience including 9 years chairing the department of biology and chemistry at Liberty University prior to joining

艾米·杜波依斯, Dean, Cook School of Business

博士学位, 组织的领导, Columbia Inter国家 University 2021 MBA, 贝勒大学, 南卫理公会大学

Associate Professor of History and Theology

Dr. TK邓恩 came to Columbia Inter国家 University from the United Kingdom where he lived until he was in his mid-20s. He came to the States for seminary in Louisville, KY, before working in

Director of EIMI - European School of Culture and Theology, Korntal Campus

Dr. theol., Kirchliche Hochschule Wuppertal/Bethel, M.A., Columbia Inter国家 University, M.A. 在神学, Ruprecht-Karls-Universitat, Heidelberg 亚瑟尔(Eric is an outstanding expert on Islam, 不

Adjunct Instructor, Disaster Response Operations and Management

David joined the Columbia Inter国家 University faculty in 2025. Previously, he served 34 years in the South Carolina Army National Guard. He retired in 2021 as an active-duty Colonel. 在他最后的

Associate Professor of Clinical Counseling

Dr. Ginavra吉布森 joined the 研究生 Counseling Program faculty of Columbia Inter国家 University in 2023 as an Associate Professor after serving as an adjunct faculty member since 2020. 她

Professor of Youth Ministry, 家庭, and Culture

Dr. 凯伦•格兰特 joined the CIU faculty in 2001 and continues to teach Youth Ministry, 家庭, 及文化课程. Previously she served as the Director of Student Activities at a public university in

Professor of New Testament and 博士学位 Program Director

Dr. 哈维 joined the faculty of Columbia Biblical 神学院 in 1991 and taught New Testament and Greek until 2011, 当他成为院长时. In 2021 he moved to the role of 博士学位 program director. 他是一个

Associate Professor, Business 管理istration

Dr. 海斯 brings over eighteen years experience as a professor in higher education and more than fifteen years experience in leadership, 管理, 医疗管理, 和业务
